Struggling to Keep Up with the Rapidly Advancing World of AI Design?

Stay Ahead with AI: Elevate your Designs, Boost Your Earnings, & Future-Proof Your career.

Go from overwhelmed or worried of being replaced, to becoming

a highly-paid, sought after professional in a few weeks

As seen on

Struggling to Keep Up with the Rapidly Advancing World of AI Design?

Stay Ahead with AI: Elevate Your Designs, Boost Your Earnings, & Future-Proof Your career

Go from overwhelmed or worried of being

replaced, to becoming a highly-paid,

sought after professional in a few weeks

As seen on

Save Over 40% With This Exclusive access

Don’t know where to start with AI?

You're not alone. Sifting through all the new courses,

lectures, and tools that come out every week is a job in and of itself.

But, you know there’s a lot of potential in AI… and if you

want to know how to use it to make your work better, faster, and increase your revenue, then keep reading.

Save Over 40% With This Exclusive access

Don’t know where to start with AI?

You're not alone. Sifting through all the new courses, lectures, and tools that come out

every week is a job in and of itself.

But, you know there’s a lot of potential in AI…

and if you want to know how to use it to make

your work better, faster, and increase your

revenue, then keep reading.

Here’s why most AI Design Courses are incomplete…

There’s two types of courses on AI. You either get the university lectures with 20+ videos that last over 3 hours and research papers diving deep into Machine Learning. They show you why it works, but they don’t teach you what to do or how to do it.

Or, you get the 2-hour video of someone walking you through their Midjourney prompts. But you don’t know why they chose those prompts or why they work.

This course will teach you what to do, how to do it, and why it works. But more importantly, it’ll teach you how to use these AI design tools to increase your bottom line and turn your AI knowledge into more revenue for your business and safeguard your career.

Here’s Why Most AI Design Courses Are Incomplete…

There’s two types of courses on AI. You either

get the university lectures with 20+ videos that last over 3 hours and research papers diving

deep into Machine Learning. They show you

why it works, but they don’t teach you what to

do or how to do it.

Or, you get the 2-hour video of someone

walking you through their Midjourney prompts.

But you don’t know why they chose those

prompts or why they work.

This course will teach you what to do, how to

do it, and why it works. But more importantly,

it’ll teach you how to use these AI design tools

to increase your bottom line and turn your AI knowledge into more revenue for your business and safeguard your career.

Save 40% And Get Ahead Of The Curve

REVEALED: How to make a 6-Figure income with AI-powered design

If you want to take your business and career to the next level using AI design tools, while getting work done even faster, then this course is for you.

We want to show you the little-known tools and processes that will streamline your business and take you from a frustrated, overwhelmed entrepreneur…

To producing high-quality designs faster and easier using AI… To getting handsomely paid for those supercharged skills.

Save 40% And Get

Ahead Of The Curve


How To Make A 6- Figure Income With AI-Powered Design

If you want to take your business and career to the next level using AI design tools, while getting work done even faster, then this course is for you.

We want to show you the little-known tools and processes that will streamline your business and take you from a frustrated, overwhelmed entrepreneur…

To producing high-quality designs faster and easier using AI… To getting handsomely paid for those supercharged skills.

Here’s Just A Taste Of What You’ll Find Inside The Course


AI Fundamentals And Its Potential For Design

Understand the basic concepts of AI and

open up your mind to a new world of possibilities for your business.


Overview Of AI-

Powered Design Tools

Discover a wide range of cutting-edge design tools that can automate complex tasks, generate ideas, and create designs faster and more accurately than ever before.


Enhance Your Work With AI

Gain the skills and knowledge to use AI tools to create designs that are more sophisticated, elegant, and visually appealing. But more importantly, learn why you should use them, how, and when.


How To Push Your

Creative Boundaries

Imagine being able to come up with endless possibilities and ideas for your designs, explore new styles, and experiment with innovative techniques. All by just clicking a few buttons.


Save Your Business From Mundane Tasks

Streamline your design processes, automate repetitive tasks, and increase efficiency with AI… so you can increase your productivity and spend more time on what actually matters.


AI-Driven Social Media Strategy & Optimization

Discover how to leverage AI to optimize your social media strategy and reach a wider audience, by creating campaigns that resonate with your audience and generate more leads and sales.


Ethical Considerations

In AI-Driven Design

Unlock your creative potential with this guide on AI-enhanced content creation, featuring a practical workbook for efficiency, productivity, and ethical use.


The Future Of AI

Explore the possibilities of a future in which AI is everywhere. A future where you are at the forefront of the design industry, using AI to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

Introducing: The AI Creative Mastery Network

Here’s Just A Taste Of What You’ll Find Inside The Course


AI Fundamentals And Its Potential For Design

Understand the basic concepts of AI and open up your mind to a new world of possibilities for your business.


Overview Of AI-Powered Design Tools

Discover a wide range of cutting-edge design tools that can automate complex tasks, generate ideas, and create designs faster and more accurately than ever before.


Enhance Your Work With AI

Gain the skills and knowledge to use AI tools to create designs that are more sophisticated, elegant, and visually appealing. But more importantly, learn why you should use them, how, and when.


How To Push Your

Creative Boundaries

Imagine being able to come up with endless possibilities and ideas for your designs, explore new styles, and experiment with innovative techniques. All by just clicking a few buttons.


Save Your Business

From Mundane Tasks

Streamline your design processes, automate repetitive tasks, and increase efficiency with AI… so you can increase your productivity and spend more time on what actually matters.


AI-Driven Social Media Strategy & Optimization

Discover how to leverage AI to optimize your social media strategy and reach a wider audience, by creating campaigns that resonate with your audience and generate more leads and sales.


Ethical Considerations

In AI-Driven Design

Unlock your creative potential with this guide on AI-enhanced content creation, featuring a practical workbook for efficiency, productivity, and ethical use.


The Future Of AI

Explore the possibilities of a future in which AI is everywhere. A future where you are at the forefront of the design industry, using AI to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

Plus, you also get FREE access to

Plus, you also get FREE access to


VALUE $197

Midjourney AI Prompt Dashboard

Over 700 copy/paste prompt keywords and over 60 full artistic prompt generators! Ignite fresh ideas, pushing creative boundaries and overcoming blocks.



The AI Mega List

Gain access to a

comprehensive catalog of over 1000 AI tools and solutions, organized by industry, to help you stay ahead in your field

and grow your business.



LIMITED TIME BONUS - Onboarding Zoom Call

Join our team LIVE on a Zoom call to make sure you know how to hit the ground running and maximize your success.


VALUE $197

Midjourney AI Prompt Dashboard

Over 700 copy/paste prompt keywords and over 60 full artistic prompt generators! Ignite fresh ideas, pushing creative boundaries and overcoming blocks.



The AI Mega List

Gain access to a

comprehensive catalog of over 1000 AI tools and solutions, organized by industry, to help you stay ahead in your field and grow your business.




- Onboarding Zoom Call

Join our team LIVE on [DATE] or an onboarding Zoom call to make sure you know how to hit the ground running and maximize your success.

Trusted by industry leaders such as Adobe, Google, Canva, Figma, and OpenAI

Trusted by industry leaders such as Adobe, Google, Canva, Figma, and OpenAI

Ashlea Spitz

Your instructor for this course is Ashlea Spitz, a design expert and passionate educator with over 20 years of experience turning non-techie, non-creative people into powerful designers.

Not only that, but she has the experience to turn that design knowledge into revenue, since she’s been running her own successful design business for over 18 years.

  • • You know you'll be in good hands, as she’s received an Honourable Mention for the Registered Graphic Designers 2021 Design Educator Award in Western Canada.

  • • As a skilled academic, Ashlea's dedicated herself to advancing her field and transforming education by extensively creating more than 30 university courses, integrating key principles of applied theory, conceptual thinking, technology advancements, and entrepreneurship to meet the evolving industry requirements.

  • • She also played an integral role in establishing Canada's West Coast's inaugural design program that features a simulated design agency studio within a College setting, culminating in a valuable real-world experience for students.

  • • She’s served as VP National Design Education for DESCAN (Design Professionals of Canada) from 2016-2019, supporting design scholarships.

  • • And she serves on the Board of Education for the RGD (Registered Graphic Designers) and on program advisory boards for several institutions.

Ashlea Spitz

Your instructor for this course is Ashlea Spitz, a design expert and passionate educator with over 20 years of experience turning non-techie, non-creative people into powerful designers.

Not only that, but she has the experience to turn that design knowledge into revenue, since she’s been running her own successful design business for over 18 years.

• She’s received an Honourable Mention for the Registered Graphic Designers 2021 Design Educator Award in Western Canada.

• As a skilled academic, she dedicated herself to advancing her field and transforming education by extensively creating more than 20 university courses, integrating key principles of applied theory, conceptual thinking, technology advancements, and entrepreneurship to meet the evolving industry requirements.

• She also played an integral role in establishing the West Coast's inaugural design program that features a simulated design agency studio within a College setting, culminating in a valuable practicum experience for students.

• She’s served as VP National Design Education for DESCAN (Design Professionals of Canada) from 2016-2019, supporting design scholarships.

• And she served on the Board of Education for the RGD (Registered Graphic Designers) and on program advisory boards for several institutions.

Limited Time Only: Save 40% OFF The AI Unleashed Course

IMPORTANT: The AI Unleashed Course IS NOT For Everyone…

If you’re only looking to push a few buttons and get a pretty image, this is not the course for you. This course was designed to give you a competitive advantage.

To help you master AI-driven design strategies so you can be better positioned, and outperform your competitors. So don't sleep on it. Get the AI Unleashed course today at over 40% OFF.

Limited Time Only: Save 40% OFF The AI Unleashed Course

IMPORTANT: The AI Unleashed Course IS NOT For Everyone…

If you’re only looking to push a few buttons and get a pretty image, this is not the course for you. This course was designed to give you a competitive advantage.

To help you master AI-driven design strategies

so you can be better positioned, and outperform your competitors. So don't sleep on it. Get the AI Unleashed course today at over 40% OFF.

If you’ve read this far, here’s my invitation

If you want to stop feeling like you know nothing about AI and that you’re being left behind, then we can help. This no-fluff course will turn you into an AI-powered professional that sits above the competition.

If you want to stop wasting your time fiddling with tools and prompts and you want to really unlock the full power of AI, then click the button below.

If you’ve read this far, here’s my invitation

If you want to stop feeling like you know nothing about AI and that you’re being left behind, then we can help. This no-fluff course will turn you into an AI-powered professional that sits above the competition.

If you want to stop wasting your time fiddling with tools and prompts and you want to really unlock the full power of AI, then click the button below.

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't know much about AI or Design, is this course for me?

Absolutely. This course is great for beginners to advanced.

Do I receive any coaching during the course if I get stuck or have questions?

For sure! You get access to The Modern Creative's Final.Final Club - An exclusive network of like-minded professionals where you can share insights, collaborate on projects, and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

I'm not a techie, will this course work For me?

  • Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a techie or have too much technical knowledge to join this course. We have plenty of resources and access to a community to help you with any questions.

  • Even if you’re a beginner or you have zero experience with these tools, by the end of this course you’ll have the knowledge to take your business to the next level with AI-driven design.

© 2023 Modern Design Academy. All rights reserved.

Frequently Asked Questions

I Don't Know Much About AI Or Design, Is This Course For Me?

Absolutely. This course is great for beginners to advanced.

I'm not a techie, will this course work For me?

  • Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a techie or have too much technical knowledge to join this course. We have plenty of resources and access to a community to help you with any questions.

  • Even if you’re a beginner or you have zero experience with these tools, by the end of this course you’ll have the knowledge to take your business to the next level with AI-driven design.

I'm Not Really A Techie, Will This Course Work For Me?

  • Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a techie or have too much technical knowledge to join this course. We have plenty of resources and access to a community to help you with any questions.

  • Even if you’re a beginner or you have zero experience with these tools, by the end of this course you’ll have the knowledge to take your business to the next level with AI-driven design.

© 2023 Modern Design Academy. All rights reserved.